我们的身体需要两种类型的抗氧化剂。脂溶性抗氧化剂维生素 E 和 CoQ10 可保护细胞膜免受细胞老化,而水溶性抗氧化剂维生素 C 和谷胱甘肽可保护细胞内部免受自由基的侵害。以下 5 种网络抗氧化剂共同作用,形成一个虚拟的强大力量,相互循环,对抗自由基。
谷胱甘肽是一种水溶性抗氧化剂,可消除肝脏中的毒素。尽管谷胱甘肽是由人体合成的,但其生产和吸收率会随着年龄的增长而开始下降。由于如今人们很容易接触到环境和化学毒素,谷胱甘肽的重要性更加凸显。α-硫辛酸 (ALA)ALA 是唯一一种既可溶于水又可溶于脂的网络抗氧化剂,可拯救和恢复细胞内或细胞膜内的其他网络抗氧化剂。与 ALA 一起服用时,谷胱甘肽会被更有效地吸收到体内。CoQ10(辅酶 Q10)是一种脂溶性抗氧化剂,可产生能量并阻止脂肪细胞氧化。维生素 E 是一种脂溶性抗氧化剂,可延长细胞周期,并在细胞分裂和复制过程中最大限度地减少细胞损伤。维生素 C 是最常见的水溶性抗氧化剂,在病理条件下可从抗氧化剂转变为促氧化剂。维生素 C 和 E 相互支持抗氧化功能。2 支持成分
硒是抗氧化剂网络的必需矿物质。硒本身不是一种抗氧化剂,但它在谷胱甘肽的合成以及维生素 C 和 E 的氧化还原中起着辅助作用。维生素 B 复合物是抗氧化剂网络中的隐藏角色。由于维生素 B 复合物既具有抗氧化特性,又具有促氧化特性,因此它参与了广泛的抗氧化功能,例如防止细胞损伤、延长受损细胞的寿命以及保护我们的系统免受突变。
Our family is more satisfied with this probiotic than any other. We have tried various products from different companies, but we focus on this one.
Recently, I've been feeling uncomfortable because my stomach has been feeling bloated and my digestion hasn't been working well. So, I wasn't sure if it was okay to keep taking medication for digestion. That's when I decided to try taking KAPORIA BROMELAIN. My face has been looking swollen and it hasn't been feeling great, probably due to my digestion issues. However, after taking it, my face seems less swollen and my digestion has improved a lot! It's been great~^^
For me, who frequently suffers from bloating and indigestion, this has become a must-have item for me lately! I've been taking one capsule every day consistently and I feel like it might help, so I'll try it and recommend it to other family members as well~
The stomach is not good and often bloated and gaseous. As I get older, even a little stress makes it hard to digest and I end up tossing and turning all night. So I tried eating bromelain, which is excellent for protein breakdown, but my stomach doesn't feel comfortable. I trust eating Nutridom bromelain, which is a product approved by the strict Canadian Food and Drug Administration. The capsules are small and made with easy-to-digest and absorb plant-based capsules, making it convenient to take. I've been taking it for about a week and my stomach feels comfortable.
I'm eating bromelain because I heard it's good, and it seems to help with digestion so I'm trying to consume it consistently!