$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송


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  • 변비, 메슥거림, 구역질, 속쓰림 등의 소화 부작용이 없습니다.
  • 소화 불량이 없이 위가 편안한 철분제
  • 높은 인체 흡수율
  • 적은 양만 복용해도 혈액 내 철분 농도를 높여줍니다.
  • NPN 80076149

뉴트리돔 철분 비스글리시네이트 60 식물성 캡슐(빈혈 예방)

정가 $12.75
0 (17)
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$12.75 CAD
$11.73 CAD

언제든지 자동 갱신하거나 건너뛰거나 취소할 수 있습니다.

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$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송

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귀하의 주문은 탄소 중립으로 배송됩니다


  • 변비, 메슥거림, 구역질, 속쓰림 등의 소화 부작용이 없습니다.
  • 소화 불량이 없이 위가 편안한 철분제
  • 높은 인체 흡수율
  • 적은 양만 복용해도 혈액 내 철분 농도를 높여줍니다.
  • NPN 80076149

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Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews

Now that I'm a high school senior, concentration is important, so I've been looking for ways to improve it and asked my mom to get it for me. After regularly taking it, I feel less tired and have less fatigue in the morning ㅠㅠ!!! I trust it even more because it's a Canadian product haha.


I always felt uncomfortable when I had to eat zinc with vitamin C or orange juice, but this product doesn't make my stomach uncomfortable so I really like it. I didn't know what bisglycinate was, so I searched it on Naver and bought it. Since it's a product I have to consume every day, I trust buying it directly rather than from stores. The delivery was fast and I am very satisfied with the product and the price. I will continue to use it in the future.


I have mild anemia so I am taking an iron supplement. Maybe because it's a new product, it feels fresh hehe. And I don't have any stomach discomfort so it's really great!!


This product is awesome! In November I learned that I was dangerously low in Iron. I was prescribed an iron supplement that did nothing to raise my levels. I started researching for myself to find an iron supplement that would bring my levels up. In less than 3 weeks my levels have gone from dangerously low to being on the low side of normal. I have been taking these 2x per day, instead of the 1x recommended daily dose.


Great supplement. I wanted to continue iron supplements post baby. It's a good value compared to other brands and the dose is slightly higher. Doesn't make me constipated (fyi taking it with orange juice helps the iron absorb better).