(캐나다 일부 지역 및 미국) 캐나다포스트로 인한 배송 지연 가능성

$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송

모든 주문에 대해 무료 표준 배송 및 반품이 제공됩니다.


장바구니가 비어 있습니다.

  • 비타민 D3(콜레칼시페롤)- 1000 IU (25mcg)
  • 칼슘의 적절한 흡수를 도움
  • 뼈와 치아 성장을 도움
  • 건강한 면역체계를 유지시킴
  • 소화와 흡수를 돕는 MCT 오일 함유
  • NPN: 80067243

뉴트리돔 비타민 D3 MCT Oil 500 소프트젤 (면역력+뼈건강)

정가 $22.99
4.9 (17)
구매 옵션
$22.99 CAD
$21.15 CAD

언제든지 자동 갱신하거나 건너뛰거나 취소할 수 있습니다.

카트에 추가하려면 제품 페이지로 이동하여 구매 옵션을 선택하세요
배송비는 결제 시 계산됩니다.

$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송

질문이 있으신가요? 문의하기

보안 결제

귀하의 주문은 탄소 중립으로 배송됩니다

  • 비타민 D3(콜레칼시페롤)- 1000 IU (25mcg)
  • 칼슘의 적절한 흡수를 도움
  • 뼈와 치아 성장을 도움
  • 건강한 면역체계를 유지시킴
  • 소화와 흡수를 돕는 MCT 오일 함유
  • NPN: 80067243

보충 사실

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews

I used to take coconut oil vitamin D, but this time I bought MCT oil vitamin D~ I am satisfied.


After doing a health check-up, I found out that I was severely lacking in Vitamin D. Although I spend time outdoors and exercise during the day, I couldn't seem to fill the deficiency. So I've been consistently eating foods rich in Vitamin D for bone health. When I retook the test, my levels had improved slightly.


I think it's a type that's good for consistently eating comfortably, so I like it.
Do you think I'll only know the effects if I eat it more?


This product is great for people who have weak muscles or bones or weak lower bodies. It is important to have strong bones and healthy cartilage to avoid strain when walking or running. If many people with weak bones purchase and use this product, it seems like it would be a good product. I also have weak bones, so I want to start taking this product to have strong and healthy bones. Good health is the best. Thank you.


I heard that it's good for bone health, so I tried ordering it directly from Caporia. It's convenient to have it in Korean and the shipping is also fast! I spend all day in the office and don't have time to see the sun, so I hope this supplement will be helpful. I highly recommend it!