$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송


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권장 용도: 항산화제 공급원.

권장 복용량: 성인: 1일 2회 1스쿱.

주의 및 경고: 담석이나 담관 폐쇄가 있는 경우 또는 위궤양 또는 과도한 위산이 있는 경우 사용하기 전에 의사와 상담하십시오. 항혈소판제 또는 혈액 희석제를 복용 중인 경우; 신장 결석의 병력이 있는 경우; 임신 중이거나 모유 수유 중인 경우; 처방약을 복용하는 경우.

알려진 이상반응: 과민성/알레르기가 발생하면 사용을 중지하십시오.

Medicinal Ingredients (per 1 scoop)
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis - Whole)....1 g
Acai (Euterpe oleracea - Fruit)....300 mg (4 : 1, QCE 1.2 g)
Curcumin (Curcuma longa - Rhizome)....250 mg
Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon - Fruit)....1.5 g(4 : 1, QCE 6 g)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)....850 mg
Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris - Broken cell)....100 mg
Moringa (Moringa oleifera - Leaf)....1 g(4 : 1, QCE 4 g)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients

뉴트리돔 데일리 그린 안티옥시던트 7 with 스피루리나 / 클로렐라 파우더 300g (항산화)

정가 $80.00
0 (27)
구매 옵션
$80.00 CAD
$73.60 CAD

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$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송

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권장 용도: 항산화제 공급원.

권장 복용량: 성인: 1일 2회 1스쿱.

주의 및 경고: 담석이나 담관 폐쇄가 있는 경우 또는 위궤양 또는 과도한 위산이 있는 경우 사용하기 전에 의사와 상담하십시오. 항혈소판제 또는 혈액 희석제를 복용 중인 경우; 신장 결석의 병력이 있는 경우; 임신 중이거나 모유 수유 중인 경우; 처방약을 복용하는 경우.

알려진 이상반응: 과민성/알레르기가 발생하면 사용을 중지하십시오.

Medicinal Ingredients (per 1 scoop)
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis - Whole)....1 g
Acai (Euterpe oleracea - Fruit)....300 mg (4 : 1, QCE 1.2 g)
Curcumin (Curcuma longa - Rhizome)....250 mg
Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon - Fruit)....1.5 g(4 : 1, QCE 6 g)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)....850 mg
Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris - Broken cell)....100 mg
Moringa (Moringa oleifera - Leaf)....1 g(4 : 1, QCE 4 g)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients

보충 사실

Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews

I bought and sent my mom a gift.
For about 25 days, she consumed one spoonful of Hanskin in yogurt or soy milk every day.
Something similar to acne appeared on her face, but it didn't hurt.
She said her skin feels clearer.
The best thing is that she said she feels more comfortable and easier when using the bathroom.


Recently, I've been thinking that I need to take better care of my health due to stress and chronic fatigue. So, I decided to purchase an antioxidant that helps prevent aging, osteoporosis, and toxin removal in the body. It's also known for its ability to relieve stress, and I like that it's easy to consume by mixing it with water. I also heard that it can be helpful for my eczema, fine dust, and inflammation, so I will make sure to consistently consume it every day. ^^


In the midst of stress and chronic fatigue recently, I've been thinking that I need to take better care of my health. I purchased an antioxidant as it is said to help with anti-aging, osteoporosis, and detoxification, and also to be good for stress relief. It's convenient to consume by mixing it with water. I also heard that it helps with atopic dermatitis, air pollution, and inflammation, so I should make sure to take it regularly every day. ^^


Recently, I've been feeling like I need to take extra care of my health due to stress and chronic fatigue. I decided to purchase an antioxidant supplement as it is known to help prevent aging, osteoporosis, and detoxify the body. It's also great for relieving stress and I like that it can be easily consumed by mixing it in water. I've heard it can also be beneficial for eczema, air pollution, and inflammation, so I'll make sure to take it regularly every day.^^


Recently, I have been thinking that I need to take even better care of my health due to stress and chronic fatigue.
After hearing that antioxidants can help prevent aging, osteoporosis, and aid in detoxification, as well as being beneficial for stress relief, I decided to purchase some. It's great that I can easily consume them by mixing them with water. I've also heard that they can help with atopy, fine dust, and inflammation, so I will make sure to take them regularly every day.^^