아마존의 슈퍼과일 카무카무베리는 유명 연예인의 몸매비법부터 유명 유투버, 뷰티크리에이터의 피부비법으로 더욱 유명해진 천연 항산화 과일입니다.
지구상에서 가장 많은 천연 비타민C를 함유하고 있는 것으로도 유명하며 안토시아닌, 플로보놀, 엘라그산같은 항산화물질이 많이 함유되어있습니다.
네츄럴트레디션의 카무C 는 독점적인 냉건조 공정을 이용한 30:1 농도로
1캡슐에 담긴 고함량, 캡슐형으로 더욱 간편하게 섭취할 수 있습니다.
1캡슐 당 500mg의 카무카무베리 분말이 들어있습니다.
*영양정보 (3캡슐 1.5g당)
칼로리 5
탄수화물 1g
카무카무 과일 분말 1500mg
비타민C 40mg
복용 방법
식전, 식후 상관없이 하루 1-3알씩 드시면 됩니다.
1. 배송
1) 배송비
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- 한국 및 캐나다: $45 이상 주문 시
- 미국: $100 이상 주문 시
- 중국: $250 이상 주문 시
- 기타 국가: $500 이상 주문 시
무료 배송 한도 미만 주문에 대한 배송료:
- 한국: $45 이하 주문 시 배송비 $12.99 추가
- 미국: $100 이하 주문 시 배송비 $12.99 추가
- 캐나다: $45 이하 주문 시 배송비 $9.99 추가
- 중국: $250 이하 주문 시 배송비 $25 추가
- 기타 국가: $500 이하 주문 시 배송비 $45 추가
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배송 지연:
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2. 주문 처리 및 취소
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I've been taking these for years and was happy to find them here at a better price. Timely delivery as well.
This is a great product. I just started taking Camu Camu and it has helped me feel better right away. It provides real vitamin C that doesn't irritate your stomach as ascorbic acid can, and gives you a sense of well-being that is hard to describe. Organic Traditions is a fantastic company, and you can trust their products. This is the best price you'll find anywhere on their Camu Camu fruit.* Clinical research has proven Camu Camu berries to be the best and most potent source of natural Vitamin C available on EARTH. Wow! And you can really see and feel the difference! Like so many North Americans, I grew up on sugar and my body has never been quite the same since. What we might think of as symptoms of aging - from lowered immunity and chronic disorders like asthma and allergies - is actually the long-term damage done to many of our bodies by years of sugar and simple carb consumption. This Camu Camu berry has already been a tremendous help (my sales reps now know that I won't sneeze in their faces). Traditional superfruits bean praised by indigenous Amazon peoples,
This stuff is fantastic. My wife and I have tried lots of different products over the years and this is certainly one of the best. It's one of the few products that we can both feel results from after only a few days. Highly recommended.Awesome product. I had been feeling off my A game for a week or two and reaching for unhealthy foods way too easily. I read about this and thought I'd try it to get a pick me up kind of refill. Oh my gosh, I feel so much better! It's subtle but wonderful. I've taken another dose and if anything, it s even better. I feel more confident that I won't slip down that slippery road to unhealthy habits.
I was battling 2 autoimmune diseases. Finally read about Camu Berry. Got this product. 90 Capsules in bottle from Organic Traditions. Really helped me. I switched to this company. I was buying a different brand with half the amount in it originally. I credit this product in turning it my health around and it has been a huge contributor in doing so.My children looking at me the other day with great concern because they felt I looked so well.. i'm in my 60'sI have continued to buy these. This is a great purchase and I know now I am going to the right place for my Camu powder purchase each time. Great product, smart price higher antioxidant for more health value. Thank You, Will continue to buy and it's never by itself it's with other natural great products from this company.
SUPERFOOD DESCRIPTIONCamu Camu Berry in this product line is a great value. I take one to two capsules with each meal. I think this helps with my energy level. This concentration of capsules is much better than the straight powder although I like these too. I can take a capsule instead of spending 30 minutes adding the powder to yogurt or making a morning energy drink. It is worth a try. They dissolve in your mouth or you can swallow them whole. I can recommend this one. I also purchased the sample size and can report that the taste of the powder is much better than other powder products out there. This company is easy to deal with also. Great products!