$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송


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  • 면역기능의 강화; 감기나 독감의 증세를 완화 시키고 기간을 단축 시켜 줍니다.
  • 건강 증진을 위한 항산화 성분 함유
  • 스포이드형으로 음식이나 음료 등에 섞어 복용하기 좋습니다.
  • 알코올 프리 (알코올 무첨가)
  • NPN 80082267

뉴트리돔 비 프로폴리스 드랍 30 ml (감기 예방/ 천연 항바이러스, 항염 효과)

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$75 이상 주문 시 무료 배송

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  • 면역기능의 강화; 감기나 독감의 증세를 완화 시키고 기간을 단축 시켜 줍니다.
  • 건강 증진을 위한 항산화 성분 함유
  • 스포이드형으로 음식이나 음료 등에 섞어 복용하기 좋습니다.
  • 알코올 프리 (알코올 무첨가)
  • NPN 80082267

보충 사실

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews


I like carrying tissue in my bag because it's convenient.
I prefer drops over sprays.
It makes my throat feel comfortable.
If I use drops before catching a cold, I won't catch one for real.



During the winter season, my throat hurts a lot, so every time it feels scratchy, I put one drop in my throat. But I immediately feel so much better, it's amazing... I am currently carrying it in my pouch.


I watched Nuri TV on YouTube and applied. When the children come home because of the fine dust, I put a drop in their throat. It reduces their coughing.


Works well, no alcohol in it so you can drink it when you're sick, but personally I only use it for my mouth ulcers, I have quite a lot, they are fairly big and I can't get rid of them without propolis, before I had a bottle that I used for ~8 years but it had alcohol so it burned my ulcers when applied but it works, now this propolis works just as well and it doesn't burn when applied which is nice.


I am in my 30s and have had oral canker sores my whole life. In my late 20s, they started to become unbearable. I would have up to 8 on my tongue alone at some points. They were getting so bad my Dentist referred me to a mouth cancer specialist just to be safe. I've been using this Bee propolis for almost 2 months. I still get canker sores but at the first sign of them I put this bee propolis on the area a couple times a day and the sore is gone or at least healing within a day or 2. This is a big help. It stops the sore from getting bigger and infected which easily happens with cuts or sores in the mouth. I only wish I knew about it earlier in my life and hope it continues to work. Thanks!